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In a message dated 11/4/03 12:15:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 14:38:19 -0400
> From: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: We need MUCH MORE breed publicity!

Hi Carol,

I couldn't agree with you more!!  This has been needed for a long time.  When 
I was on the BOD, that was a project that I tackled, NFHR advertising in 
national magazines, and I too was told it was too expensive!

The other thing that REALLY needs to be completed is a GOOD promotional video 
tape.  I know that Jane Sawyer has been put in charge of producing one, but 
it has been put 'on hold' because the people that are doing it are having some 
major health problems in the family.  HOPEFULLY, it won't be too much longer 
before that project is completed.

YES, this type of promotion and advertising is a must for the 'good of the 
many'!  Each and every one of us should drop a note to our BOD to encourage 
to put advertising/promotion on the agenda for their next meeting.  They are 
there to work on our behalf so we need to speak up and let them know what we 

Your post was quite 'timely' this AM, Carol since I also received an email 
from the President of the Oregon Horse Show Association (a very active group 
all breeds that promotes ALL kinds of horse uses, not just shows) detailing 
their upcoming Judges and Stewards training seminar.  The letter was asking for 
representatives and breed judges to participate by setting up booths, 
providing videos, handouts, and literature on their respective breeds.  What a 
opportunity to educate the judges so that when all of these different breeds 
enter a class that they are judging, they will know what they are supposed to 
be looking for.

I was asked to participate in one of these seminars about 8 years ago.  I 
thought this was such an excellent opportunity for the Fjord horses!  There 
2 days of classroom training followed by one day of hands-on judging.  Only 
problem was that I was THE ONLY ONE with no breed video!!  I did the best I 
could with personal videos that I had, but it was a bit embarrassing.  I did 
provide a booth with NFHR brochures and the 'breed type' handouts, but I really 
felt ill-equipped compared to the other breeds that were represented.  And, by 
the way, the day of the actual judging, Dusty won the Aged Stallions class!  
After each class was placed, the person in charge of the training, pulled each 
horse out individually and explained why they were placed the way they were, 
much like our evaluation program.

As I read the invitation from OHSA this morning, my first thought was - 
YIPPEE another opportunity.  My second thought was - BUT I STILL HAVE NOTHING 
OFFER in the way of an educational video tape!

I was on the BOD when I did the last seminar.  I did bring it to the 
attention of the BOD at that time that we were sorely in need of a promo tape, 
but was 
poo-pooed.  Problem was, I was 'standing alone'.  There IS strength in 
numbers and the squeaky wheel does get greased so perhaps it is time for each 
of us, 
as members, to let our wishes and needs be known to the BOD regarding 
advertising and promotions!  It wouldn't take but just a few moments to drop 
them an 

With the advent of the unification with the Association, we will have a lot 
of new memberships and registrations (read - MONEY) coming into our coffers.  
WE need to let our BOD know how we would like to have some of those funds 


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR    

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