This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/4/2003 3:24:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

> By 'pony attitude' I believe they mean difficult to handle.

Actually, I translate that phrase to mean "too smart for the average person 
that is trying to handle them!"

To the untrained eye (and I use the term loosly) Fjords can apear to be; 
stubborn, bullheaded, balky, etc. I find them to be delightfully intellegent. 
No, you can't use the quicky training methods on them that may work with some 
other horses, They are smart enough to "question" these methods/gimicks. 
Similar to mules, and yes ponies, you need to take the time to properly 
"explain" what you are trying ot teach a Fjord, and they will learn and retain 
it. They don't do well with the idea that they are supposed to do something 
just because you say so (in other words you won't have much luck trying to 
bully them into "learning" something. Personally, I have found ALL my Fjords to 
be very good students in anything I try to teach them. But, this is just my own 
humble opinion......


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