This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All--

I went out to the barn with my good friend this
morning to find that one of his TB mares aborted at
six months.  Still being relatively new to the horse
world I was crushed as I had never experienced this
before.  I couldn't believe how perfectly formed the
little baby was.  We took a thorough walk around the
pasture we rent (with the owner of the farm) to
discover a four foot tall wild cherry tree tucked
among the shrubbery on the outside of the fence.  The
tops of the branches were freshly chewed.  I feel sick
that I did not pay attention to the earlier posts
regarding cherry trees.  Thank god the mare is okay,
as well as the other two broodmares that were out with
her in the pasture yesterday.  

Hope my next post will be a happier one!  It seems it
has been a rough season for many.

Gina Larson (and Chester)
Marinette, WI
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