This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks good have nobody said that she looks like a mule :D But I think I
have read in the list for some years ago, that somebody have ask a
fjordhorse owner in USA, if their horse was a a mule/zebra. Very strange,
because mules are sterile :D  My friend who have a jumping fjord, have heard
a lot of fun on the competitions. Many people have prejudices about
fjordhorses in Sweden, so everyone who didn't seen they before wonder why
they are there. She have heard: "Oh, my good! She don't have longer spurs
(hope it is right word) and she don't hit him, and the fjord is jumping!" It
is very fun to hear this strange word from people. When the competition is
over, she and her fjord often is very famous, because they often win. For a
month ago they won they first 1,10 jumping track. It is a high level, for a
137 cm tall fjord, who have very short legs and not the best body, for
jumping. But he have the extreme winning feeling, it makes him to a winner.


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