This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone :

I just wanted to let Peg and Taffy know that we are thinking of them here in 
Chelan and our prayers are with you. Seems not to be good time of year for a 
lot of horses (people too).
Carol, glad that you escaped the hurricane wrath. We were worried that you 
would be hit. Loved your post, thanks for the update. I enjoy reading what you 
all are up too.  

I wanted to make a comment to those of you that post without mentioning your 
location. Although not mandatory, I for one would be very interested to hear 
where people are from. I think it adds to the interest of the post. Especially 
if they are posting something for sale. I know that I would be more willing to 
consider buying something if it were within driving range of my house. So 
knowing where the item is does help sell it. Just a suggestion. Thanks.

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