This message is from: "Dave and Patti Jo Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

WOW, is there ever a lot of horses getting sick on the list lately.  You can
add my stallion, Fair Acres Ole to the list.  He too, has been sick, but I
think on the mend.  He had a temp of 104.5 for a couple of day, then down to
102.5, giving him bute to bring the fever down.  Now yesteray and today it's
been normal and with no meds given.  I had the vet out and then even brought
him into the clinic an hour away for them to see what was up.  First vet
thought pneumonia or upper respiratory infection, possible strangles, but he
didn't really think so by the clinical signs.  Clinic did some tests, CBC
was normal, culture normal,  so they are going with upper respiratory
infection.  He's a tough Norwegian that is forsure, and i'm sure I get more
stressed out than the horse!

It is VERY hard when your horse gets sick.  I feel for all you guys out
there dealing with colic and sick horses.
Just remember when you open your arms wide to let love in, your heart is
left vulernable.  BUT should we have it any other way NO.  My prayers are
with you all and mostly with Amy, the girl in Colorado who is in a Coma, I
too pray the Lord will touch her and heal her.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI - another gorgeous Wisconsin day!

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