This message is from: "Ursula & Brian Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

First off let me say that being away for a whole week and reading the List
back to back gives one a real different perspective.
Ruthie, you are RIGHT to promote 'inclusiveness' ...I'm with you on that
..BUT, please read and re-read some of the explanations that OTHERS have
tried to give you. Carol's very long and very CLEAR post regarding
'APPROPRIATENESS" was excellent and well thought out...she has that knack of
saying it well as you know..... Teressa's explanation was from a very 'new
to driving' perspective/angle and she said it so well also. Try to be a bit
open to what we are saying.......Noone wants to see Gene to wear a laprobe
or apron when he is driving his stagecoach......nor a wagon or
buckboard....GEEEESH! That would be's all about appropriateness
of the vehicle and the ADS rules state it very clear they are very about how they were established ( someone alluded to that
as well)

I'll tell you what I DO hate to see....someone coming to any regional show
(FJord or otherwise) and not taking the time to show the Fjord at it's
best....clean and not just pulled out of the pasture...I don't care if you
trim his beard or shave his jaw-line or feathers...but I want to see the
horse far as clothing for the handler..yes, I do object to a
dirty T-shirts with rude logos and sandals...blah blah shows a
lack of respect for the horse, the farm, the person, the audience, the show
organizers who have put hundreds of hours into the preparations and most of
all the judge who stands on his feet for 8 hrs in heat or rain or wind with
a jacket and tie (without the pee breaks that are normally allowed most
humans). There is just no way you could possibly object to that nor agree
with that and that's ALL we are saying. I know  this much about you are a neat and tidy looking woman and probably keep a pretty
nice home/farm. Would you have some objection to someone coming into your
house with muddy boots and smelling really bad and sitting on your white
sofa smoking a smelly cigar....? ( I choose this parallel because of it's
inappropriateness, disrespect and I won't even start on safety ) Enough

On to the Eval in Oregon....Catherine did a phenomenal job of organizing
this ever she is a gracious hostess and a very hard worker...the
evaluation was well worth the effort and cost to make the trip there from
After the 2001 fiasco in Libby where Penfrydd's Raynor became so very ill,
it was a chance to redeem himself and his sire Konggard. I felt I owed it to
him and to others to show him at his best. Many of the same people were
there to see him healthy and quite taken with himself. The support was
phenomenal then and this time around....
It was certainly his day to shine and my boy 'done did it'. There are always
so many variables and no matter how much we prepare and primp and's a crap shoot at best on any given day...The stars aligned and
all is well with the world.
He received 4 (read four) blue ribbons (YEEHAW!!! I do love that color)
He scored a respectable 82.5 in conformation ...very consistent with his
strengths and weaknesses.
He scored a 90.5 in Introductory Driving...(Ursula as whip...YEEHAW!!! the
highest score of the driving portion)
He scored an 80 in Intro riding with our riding trainer Julie
Pilon...YEEEHAW!!...we don't ride so this was costly but worth it
He scored an 83.5 in the Intro Draft test with Brian as
Now that's a versatile fjord... not just the fact that he held it together
for three disciplines in one day and get good scores but also that he had
three different handlers....that's any time he could have asserted
himself and display unfavourable behaviours as we all know our horses are
capable of. or driver error as we all have brain farts.

I was extremely proud of him and proud of the many friends who genuinely
were pleased to see him do well...I appreciated that so much.
I will let Brian tell you about his days....showing 3 different horses in 7 THAT"S BIG and he should get a versatility award as well.

Vivian, thanks for the time spent to share your Laurels account...good job
(in spite of...don't be so hard on yourself) and goodluck at
gig has the honour of having competed at both Gladstone (previous owner) and
Spruce Meadows but I venture to guess I will never be as lucky.
Back to cleaning up after one week of absence AND dirty equipment....yuck!!!

Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032
Lumby BC, V0E 2G0
Canada 250-547-6303

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