This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/5/99 8:26:25 Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I while back I read a little about some homeopathic herbs or something
 helping a mare conceive and help keep her foal throughout the term.  >>

Would that be the red raspberry leaf?  We used it on Juniper and she foaled 
exactly 340 days after conception.  (she had foaled a couple weeks late for 
her first baby).  By the way, this baby is wonderful!  Has the best 
personality of any foal I've ever come across!  And beautiful.  And sweet.  
Misha would be proud of his daughter if he saw her!  We're looking forward to 
the next evaluation on the West Coast (whenever that may be).  I have a 
feeling this one will score off the charts.


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