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   Actually, Lars did not move more than a few inches during most of that
photo shoot, even as I was running back and forth to the videocam to reframe
the image to compensate for changing heights (a zebra sitting on top of him).
He seems not to mind the Zeeb one bit. My Icelandic still has reservations
about him, though. The mane is my standard cut, as you can see from the other
pictures of him at my FTP site. It is in need of work to level the black and
get a true zebra look, before his next event. The public loves it, and the
children remember him by name at the parades and street fairs. I have to get
pictures of him with the inflatable Zeeb to send to the makers of the piece,
so they may evaluate the possibility of a Fjord inflatable. There is also a 6
foot giraffe, as I show on the FTP, and eventually Lars will see him, too.
Maybe you should include inflatable zebra training in the bombproofing
courses. Merek

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