This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I love the Prisco story! My husbands young team will each get a cone, face
off and then charge each other, slamming the cones together. They also play
another game, you put a cone on each gelding's haunch and then they try and
knock the others off without getting theirs knocked off. Funny! My stallion
drives his rubber pans around like they are toy cars, also puts them in his
water pan. When a girlfreind is visiting he often offers a cone or a food
pan as a sort of gift like flowers or something. The mares always look at
him as if to say, "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?" he will
also bring them a piece of hay and set it down in front of them. I was
telling people about it and they said, "Misha, you writers have such
imagination." Untyil I showed them. it's funny. The Fjords are like a three
ring circus. Not having another job makes me poor in cash, but being with
the herd makes me so rich in life experiences. They are truly my buds. Anne
congrats on your dressage accomplishments! That is so darned exciting!
Could we have a photo? Best Misha

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