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Mary - in New Hampshire or Vermont, one would simply call the area Fish
and Game office which would send out a ranger promptly to either remove
it altogether or move it to a more remote area to let the wildlife do
the rest of the picking over process so that your pets would not be
tempted or upset by its presence.  We had a similar event this winter
when the coyotes took down a beautiful doe and tormented it for hours
after it broke both hind legs on the ice trying to get away by crossing
the ice covered stream behind our home - it ended up frozen in the water
but put up a fearsome struggle.  The F & G fellow arrived, sized up the
situation and decided to move it across the river where no cross country
skiers (many trails for skiers) or domestic animals might happen upon
it.  This gentleman said he might as well let nature (coyotes finish
what it started). Fairly sensible.

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