This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Finally couldn't resist! This sheath cleaning thread has finally took
it's toll on me.

 Am I a horrible person indeed, to admit that my stallion is fortunate 
if I clean his, er, equipment, perhaps 2X a year, if he's lucky!...and 
BTW, he considers himself very lucky indeed, (I think), as he acts very 
pleasant throughout the "ordeal". Nary a leg cocked,or one mean look. I 
use lukewarm H20, ivory soap,(as per my vet's instr.) and rinse well w/ 
clean, warm H20. (Same for the mares.)

 Why do I feel this is OK? Well, do wild horses go get their sheaths
tidied up? I live very close 'bye an area teeming w/ wild horses, and 
I've not noticed a sheath cleaning station yet. I do clean when a new
mare is brought in for breeding. Maybe he's not the grungy type...
anyway, can we talk about another subject? I thought Becky Vorpagel's
thought about having NFHR "regions" was interesting, and would perhaps 
equalise & balance out the activities and educational endeavors. Can you 
imagine, Championships? 

Weelll...just a little firecracker to toss @ the collective feet of this 
list; anyone care to foIlow?
 -Have a Great Weekend!

Karen, Carson City, NV

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