This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm so glad to see these topics brought up!! Some people would call Tor
stubborn, but I've come to realize that he's not. He is, however, the most
determined and strong willed horse I've ever had. He is totally convinced
that the world should go by his rules and he's quite willing to share that
opinion with you. He also knows darn well how strong he is and how to use it
to his advantage if he thinks he can get away with it. And there is little
doubt in my mind that he does *think*. Thank God we've come a long way in
learning to work together.

Also, Tor can be very creative (unfortunately for me) when it comes to
amusing himself. I can no longer use those white step-in posts that they use
for portable hot pens. I used to use them to section off the pasture, but
Tor thinks it's fun to go down the line and pull them up, without breaking
the 3 strands of hot wire that's on them, and then proceeds to destroy them!
I had him in one of these pens at a clinic once when a woman came up to me
and told me my horse was being *bad*. I looked around the corner of the
trailer and saw that he had a hold of a post and had it bent half way to the
ground before he finally got zapped. He just let go of it and looked at us
like "Whhhhhaaaat?" *sigh* I'm very pleased to say that he did stay in the
pen, (yes, I did have my doubts).

That's all for now  : )

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