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this message is from Mike & Joyce Cook/West Church Fjords,Swanton,Oh.   

Hi Everyone!   It's been awhile since we've been able to respond to any of the
interesting topics of discussion of late. My new Tool business is going
great!! Anyway, I wanted to touch on a couple of subjects of interest to me.
The question was raised about stud fees and if that was a determining factor
in choosing a sire, personally, why would the cost of the stud have any weight
at all in deciding if a particular stallion is going to lend his best
atributes to your mares best atributes with the sole purpose of ultimatly the
"perfect" Fjord? Hmmmmmmmmm, as a new breeder looking for respect for my
decisions and actions with this wonderful breed of horse, the fee has
absolutly no bearing on our decision. In fact, we just contracted with
Catherine Lindsay for her incredible stallion, Kila Grani. When I sit and
ponder the outcome of the coupling of my mare Nanja and Grani, it just gives
me goose bumps. By the way, Brian Jacobson needs to figure out how to "speed
up" the time it takes for these horses to have their foals....Joyce and I can
hardly wait till next year!!  As far as the term "back yard breeder" is
concerned.....some people feel threatened by what other people are doing and
could possibly be using that term to diminish the "threat" of losing a
sale.Which is preposterous anyway. If you are breeding with the breed in mind
first, you will find success. But make no mistake, there will alway's be
people who don't care and want to just make cash, they will alway's be with
us. Maybe the NFHR can figure a way to have truly approved breeders and
advertise this in other periodicals so the person that has never owned a Fjord
and wants to purchase one will get a good one the first time out. Which makes
me wonder, why it is when I get my Driving Digest and see all the adds for all
the other breeds that the Norwegian Fjord isn't advertised at all?Hmmm, are we
missing out here? The idea of a new club in the midwest is an interesting one
to me. We live in northwestern Ohio and if we want our horses evaluated, we
have to go to Blue Earth Mn. Thats a long way away to haul horses, vehicles,
tack and whatever else you need.  Rich and Nancy Hotovy know just what we're
talking about! Hopefully Rich's "collar" is off now!!!!!! If a new club isn't
feasible, what about an evaluation and a show in our area.....Also, Joyce and
I would be willing to help with Equitanna, and the Education committee if you
people need us, just let us know we are just up the road from Kentucky! 
         Well I suppose I've been ranting long enough! Joyce and I really do
enjoy the "open air" discussions on the digest! Keep it up!
                                                 Best Regards,
                                                           Mike & Joyce Cook
                                                             West Church

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