This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi there Mary...hope everybody is fine by now!

> This morning our vet called again to ask how the horse was doing and
> suggested I give her some bran mash, which I did.  He also said: "You need
> a first aid kit up there".  He's sending up some Banamine and Bute with
> instructions on how to use it.
  These happen to be the two things I keep on hand now, the Banamine and
Bute...had a QH that colicked everytime the seasons changed. I still
can't explain it...his feed stayed the same, no change in
routines...very strange.
    I did have to chuckle about the written details on the horse's
illness being longer than your hubby's...that was so cute. Typical horse
woman! I know, I do the same thing....take care, Ingrid  :o)

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