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                   Hello List !

     Couldnt resist the thread right now about giving shots to our horses.
When I was in Nursing School, and had not given a IM shot to a patient yet, I
admit practicing on my horses. Now, I know what your thinking....poor little
Fjords, but they hardly seemed to notice as they gobbled a treat, and as I
became very skilled at jabbing their behinds, rumps, and neck, while gaining
proficienty at wielding a needle and syringe. 

   Now for the bad part. <VBG>

  I happened to draw the meanest, most intolerant, worst humor Nursing
Instructor for my Pharmacology section, and every day I was sure that I would
be asked to leave the program, for making any tiny slip up. ( She also had to
be the funniest,  the center of attention, and HATED those that were the class

   When at last, I got my first HUMAN patient, to recieve a shot from me, I
calmly loaded up my dose, showed my instructor, who was glaring over my
shoulder, and promply stabbed my until-then-willing patient, who hollered, "
OUCH ! ! ! !  " ( This from a sweet, little old lady, who hadnt said a word in
a month.)

  The mean, crabby, intolerant instructor then hollered at ME, " What do you
think she is, a HORSE ? " this sending my friends into fits of uncontrollable
laughter, that got ME going, and pretty soon, we were all helpless and
hopeless as Nurses for the remainder of the day. That is,  all except my
instructor, who after glaring at all of us, decided that she MUST have said
something very funny and clever, and let it slide, also giving me  " B " in
Pharmacology, with 271 points, needing 272 points for an " A " and also
missing graduating with highest honors by virtue of that one " B " 

                           ( True all of it.....)

   I want to invite everyone to join us at Fjord Chat every Sun. night 9:00
Eastern Time, at PetsandVets on the NET.  It is in Horse room # 1.  Here is a
link to Pets, and directly to Horse room # 1.  You have to wait a min. or so
for the button to appear.......see you there !  
                                                Lisa Pedersen  PAV FJORDS (
Nursing Coordinator, for Olive Crest Treatment Center )   

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