This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Lynda,
     I love your posting! I'm so glad to see someone bring up these points.
I've heard them all too. After my experience with Tor, I worry about non
horse people looking at fjords when the only info they have are the things
you brought up. I always try to steer them towards breeders and trainers I
know and trust, and strongly encourage them to take their time and do their
research. As wonderful as they are I think we all know that there are fjords
out there that will walk all over you given half a chance. I realize this is
a matter of training, but when you get people buying these guys believing
all that "born broke" stuff, they are just heading for trouble. And the
fjord ends up getting the blame.
     I also wanted to say that I agree with all the positive comments about
geldings. They are the best. Since I'm not a breeder, I would never own a
stallion, and while I wouldn't turn down a good mare I don't go out of my
way to look for them either. Give me a good gelding any day. And I agree
that there are too many average stallions out there (in any breed) that
would make superior geldings.
   Gotta go. I *think* I see the sun peeking out! Better get out there fast.
: )

Happy fjording

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