This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for your comments, Steve.  Answering as an individual (not as a
director)  I feel the reason a composit picture of the "ideal" has not been
made is due to the wide range in conformation/type of a leggy "light" Fjord
and the other end of the spectrum, a big "drafty" Fjord.  People being
people, I think it would be difficult to find agreement on what the "ideal"
looks like!  Perhaps a set of pictures???  If I'm not mistaken, an artist
was commissioned to do a picture quite a few years ago, and there was not
enough agreement on the finished product to adopt it.  Anybody else know
about that?  In the Breed Standard, we do have drawings included that
illustrate aspects of the "ideal" without giving the false impression that
one size or type of Fjord is more "ideal" than another heavier or lighter
Fjord.  Those drawings and the adopted standard will be sent out to the
membership as soon as formating is complete.  Also, I believe Pat Wolfe has
contacted Erhard Martin with a suggestion that Norway come up with a
picture of an ideal stallion and mare.  We'll see how THEY deal with it!

Have a good day, all.  Julie in SUNNY New York.

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