This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol Rivoire said: 
> I've been quite upset by the postings from Lindsey Sweeney and Marcy Baer,
>both Directors of the NFHR.  In my opinion, the information they've put on
>this List is incorrect and irresponsible.  

Good Grief!

Talk about twisting around and misinterpreting somebody's post.  I just
very carefully read over Lindsays's post again and I can see absolutely no
reason for Carol to get so bent out of shape.
 But I suggest everybody go back and carefully re-read the whole post.
Lindsay was trying to answer the question and didn't deserve to be blasted.

She simply quoted Ingvild Nygaard as well as  Erhard Martin, of  Fjordhorse

" About your question about
> Rosendalsborken, so is he a symbol off pure breeding. We don't like
> Fjord Horses. About ca 90 years ago,was in Norway a fight between
> some would like and bland them with the norwegian "Doler"Horse - it's a
> heavy type and the other wouldn't. Since this it is only pure breeding
> very nice. I think that is some times, why he will be used so much.
> I'm sorry that my english is not the best, but I hope that you can
> understand me.
> Kind regards
> Erhard Martin
> Marketing coordinator
And Lindsay concludes: 

        "So, it would appear that the picture Rosendalsborken is a beautiful 
of art work depicting a nice stallion of his time that is recognized world
wide as a SYMBOL of PUREBRED FJORDS.  After also reading Ingvild's
Fjordhorse page I think I get it, how about the rest of you?    

        The Norwegians never intended for this image to be used as a picture of
the "ideal" or "perfect" Fjord horse. He represents a moment in history
that is important to us all and that is the time when the Norwegians
decided to keep the Norwegian Fjord Horse a Pure Breed and not allow cross
breeding.  We owe them a world of gratitude for having the foresight to
safe guard such a wonderfully unique pure breed.  This is the signifigance
of the stallion Rosendalsborken.        Apparently no breed registries in Europe
or America have meant to indicate that this image of Rosendalsborken should
be viewed as an image of the breed's standards, just a symbol of pure
breeding for Fjords!!  If you feel the need or urge, (I do it daily!) to
look at pictures to get an idea of what an "ideal" Fjordhorse is, please
consider searching the other countries web sites and view their current
APPROVED STALLION rosters and the fabulous picture of their APPROVED MARES.
 Contact Julie Will to see if she has any more copies of Bob van Bon's
book- Van "Vestlandhest" tot "Fjordenpaard".  It features Rosendalsborken
in the history section, we will contact him also directly and see what he
has to say about this (in English!).

I thought Lindsay's post was helpful and informative and not "misinformation"!

Just my  $.02 worth
Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where I've had Fjords since l986 (Obviously not
as long as some others.....) 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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