This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone!

I was very shocked when I heard about this dog attack.  My husband verified
when he raised thoroughbreds, they had enormous problems with stray dog packs
in his area.  I guess it was so bad they had to carry protection on their
rides and keep the foals as close to the house as possible!!

I am an owner of a boxer I adopted from the Humane Society.  I have had him
about 5 years now, and he has been through obedience training which we
constantly continue to work on together.  His temperment is great with people,
but he is extremely aggressive toward other animals.  I would think any dog
owner with a brain would know the temperment of their dog, and handle it
accordingly.  Clancey (my boxer) is NEVER allowed outside the fence without a
lease.  Not only does this allow me continual control, but it also helps
remind him that certain behavior is absolutely not tolerated.  He has never
attacked another animal since he came into our home.

In every area I have lived, a leash law has been in affect.  For those people
who are having such problems, would this be a possible solution?  Of course,
ideally, one would hope the owner would control the dog, but that wish is at
best unrealistic.  

As for the pellet gun.....I would think by the time one would know the dog is
aggressive, the chance to use the pellet gun safely would be long gone.  I do
know there are certain behaviors we humans can adopt to help control such a
situation, but to be honest, I cannot remember all of what our instructor
taught, so am hesitant to attempt to repeat.  

I do know that with a boxer, who is bred similarly to other "fighting dogs",
movement can worsen the situation.   I also know that if the aggressor sees
any subserviant behavior, this can assist in calming the situation, although
how this could be possible with a horse is beyond me.  It appears the only
solution is to get involved with the enforcing of laws, and utilizing any
regulations already in place to force the dog owners to become more

Lynda, temporarily from Texas, where it was VERY windy today.

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