This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Lynda temp. from Texas.

I for one,  am glad you posted these questions.  They are not novice to me,
but very well put and even though I've had my fjords for several years now,
I will look forward to the numerous answers I am sure you will get, as I am
curious about alot of the same stuff.   Thanks for posting them.  
P.S. You should have cheked out N. Dakota before you decided where to move,

And as for Carol and her educational pedigree postings, KEEP IT UP, please!
It is very educational to those of us not having been in the breed for long.
 I for one am eaqting up all I can get from Norway, Holland etc, so I will
know how to ever proceed if I breed my mares again, and to find the "stuff"
I am looking for. You should be proud of your breeding as I hope all of us
should be, and as for eloquent writing, it is refreshing in a world of
mostly movies, videos, nintendos and lack of good language.

Greetings from Janne in N. Dakota where it was 10 below this morning, and I
am jazzed to see my coming two year old gelding Tinngutten  doing just great
ground driving etc.  

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