This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I need those in the know to clarify something for me about the Dutch bred
Fjords. On an earlier mail list some folks mentioned that the Dutch allow
outcrossing as early as three generations back. People mentioned that they
might have been crossed with Arabs. Is this truth or rumor? Is this where
the Dutch horses get those tiny heads? As a breeder of Norwegian Fjords, I
want to know. Secondly, if the Dutch high point stallion has a bad temper,
and if you breed enough and check enough you can find out that bad tempers
can be passed down, then how does that go with the idea that Fjords are
supposed to be even tempered horses. I mean, to me, a bad temper is one of
the worst faults a horse can have. I spend all of my time with my horses. I
couldn't stand to deal with a nasty horse on a daily basis.  I can't afford
to have a couple of lackys hanging on to my stallion's halter every time I
wanted to lead him around. Granted it may be bad training, and it may not
pass on, but what if it isn't and it does? I suppose I am going to get a
lot of flack for this comment, but I had to say it. I once gelded a
stallion I had, not a Fjord, who had nearly perfect conformation, was a
super athlete, but was a real nasty fellow. I couldn't, in all good faith,
take the risk of breeding horses that are just pretty athletes. I consider
my horses to be my pals. I wouldn't have a friend that was a jerk, no
matter how pretty or how ahtletic they were. I'm not meaning to pick on the
Dutch bred per se. Just on what I am reading in the Fjord horse mailing
list and so I would like to hear some comments back. Misha

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