This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I guess I have to go with the pro-Monty bunch.  I read his book and also
found it quite fascinating.  Especially his description of watching wild
horses using the language of "Equus" among themselves.  I have used his
methods on my horses and have been suprised and pleased at the results.
They were just as described in the book.  His methods of round pen use
caused the horses to focus on me.

Also, on another horse forum, there has been some other discussion on
people defaming Monty Roberts.  From what I understand, a lot of the
defamation was from other members of his family. They apparently stated
there was no abuse between Monty and his father.  They didn't like the
exposure he gave the family because of the book.

I believe there is some good information in the book, at least in my case.
It made the interactions between horses eaiser for me to understand.  Most
training methods that I've come across explain HOW to do something, but
this was the first time anyone had explained WHY it worked.  Since I am not
a horse trainer, this was of interest to me.  I have since used "The
language of Equus" on my horses and they do understand it. (I have a hard
time getting my ears to lay back, though)<vbg>

 Just my nickles worth.

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords

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