This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Renee, a name I always wanted to use for a horse is "Ticnic"  Certainly not
Scandinavian but personable.  Jean Gayle

-----Original Message-----
From: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, February 08, 1999 1:05 PM
Subject: Fjord Names

>This message is from: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Thank you to all who gave me great names for my foals. When they are
>born we will be sure to let you know of the names and birth dates.
>Thank you all again.
>If you have other names that you think would suit a fjord please let us
>Renée Lafleur
>Wild Flower Fjord Farm

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