This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello All, from Carol at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Lori asked if "The Challenge" was open to all Fjords, not just those born
and bred here.  The answer is "Yes!"  I think it should be open to all
Fjords, North American bred and imports.  It would be interesting to keep
records of times, although that would be strictly voluntary. I mean, how
fast is fast for Fjords doing the kilometre at the trot?  We don't know,
and might be surprised.  

And when it gets down to the nitty gritty, people actually "going for it,"
it may give us valuable information regarding our breeding.  We must
remember that Fjords are driving horses, and a driving horse has to be able
to get from point A to point B in a timely manner.  There's more to Fjords
than the "cuddle factor", important as that is.

The two fastest Fjord stallions I know of are Gjest and Myrstein, both
Norwegian born and bred, but purchased by Holland. There was once a race
between Gjest and Myrstein. Just the two stallions. They both had a
reputation for speed, and the race was to prove once and for all, which was
the fastest. I have the newspaper account somewhere in my archives.  Gjest
won the race, but Myrstein was a close second.  The newspaper had a full
page color photo of Gjest with a couronne of flowers around his neck.
Don't remember if they were roses.  But this was a big thing in Europe.  A
real match race.  People got excited about it, and it provided a lot of
publlicity, interest, and fun. 

I saw Myrstein when I was in Holland this summer.  He looked fabulous.  I
was struck by how much he looked like Gjest in body.  Both of them rather
long-bodied, and extrmely supple.  Like Gjest, he didn't show his age, and
seemed to have as much verve and agility as a much younger horse.

We imported two Myrstein fillies last year.  Lori Albrough has one, and I
understand Rjellgrin, her  Myrstein daughter, is quite athletic.  We kept
one of the Myrsteins, and she's super athletic, and a lovely driving horse.
 Seems to flot over the ground.  Maybe one of these fillies will be the
one.  ---  Oh, gosh darn it, I forgot!  Arthur and I can't do it.  Drat!!!
Well, I suppose we could do it "hors concours."  

Julie mentioned the stallion, Pluto, having a fast time.  I wonder how
fast?  Maybe Julie could get these timed records during the trip to Norway.
 I know that they're published in the Norwegian Stud Books.  I have four of
those, including the one that Gjest is in, and of course, his time of 2.12
is included.  

Regards,  Carol 

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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