This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Well, I'm "holed up" for the duration, with the temperature at  -45F  here
at my place, much colder in some areas about town. This  is a prolonged
record cold spell to rival the one we had back in l989.  The horses are all
doing fine, I throw more hay out there every three hours or so, woke up at
4:30 to go out and give them a bunch of hay.  No shivering or signs of
discomfort.  I think they are enjoying the almost free choioce access to FOOD!

Yesterday I went out at noon to feed, and spent a half hour shoveling
frozen apples.  Surprizingly, got too warm in my down parka and insulated
overpants, at -40 degrees! No wind which really helps.  Had a warm hat on
with earflaps, etc. but didn't need to pull the hood up.  Got so warm my
glasses fogged up!  Could it be that I'm getting used to these temps?

The sun does have some warmth in it and the fjords take advantage of it,
standing broadside to soak up every ray while they doze. Adel, the almost
four year old and Bjorken, my eleven year old gelding, got into their play,
racing around, chasing each other.
  Down the road a friend's horses regularly play with their old motorcycle
tire, throwing it around, playing tug of war, and even catching it on their
heads and twirling it around.  Really a sight!  I'll have to find a toy
like that for mine to play with.

I finally started the woodstove (Vermont Castings Vigilant)and it has been
really too warm even at the slowest burn.  But this wood stove can keep my
small log home at 70 degrees all byu itself when it is -50 outside,  a nice
safetly factor, should there be a power outage. 

Well, just wanted to update you all on the weather!  These Fjords are made
for Alaska!  people are blanketing their arabs, quarterhorses, etc., but
the fjords  grow their own!

I really grateful to have this list and my comppputer to keep me amused
during this coldspell..I just pray the power stays on!  If you want to
amuse yourself reading about Fairbanks weather, click on this web page:

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, -45 degrees, but HEY, we're gaining daylight at
the rate of 7 minutes a day now for 6:36 hours
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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