This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)
>Good Day Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -
>Here's a really interesting story. ---
> The other day I was talking to the ad rep of a New Jersey horse newspaper,
>and she said to me - "Carol, wait until you see this issue!"  She said,
>"One of the lead stories is about a 5 yr. old Fjord mare that went from
>carrying deer and elk shot by hunters out of the wilds of 'Minnesota' (?)
>to being a U.S. Dressage Federation champion."  "The Fjord mare, registered

 Nancy and her fjords deserve the best we can say.  Recognize that also
these awards cover many horses in all breeds and through out the US. So it
is a great honor to be best in your category and breed.  Now the really hard
work begins.
Training level, other than Dressage suitability, is the beginning ranking.
(unless they have added another lower level since I read the book)  It
requires obedience and spontaneous response to the aids as you go through
the walk, trot and canter.  The best of things is a whisper and a promise at
this level.  Wez, Ann Appleby's fjord, at Prix St. George has accomplished
the near impossible for all breeds.  Many good horses fall out as the
ranking goes higher, and the demands increase.  I would have to guess when I
say it has taken Wez  at least ten to twelve, and correct me Ann, years of
constant training to reach this point.  Not everyone can or will get near
this far.  

So now we have another rising star to watch and back as she moves along
through the extremely demanding art of dressage.  Jean Gayle Aberdeen, Wa
where it is, guess, raining and dark!   
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

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