This message is from: Cheryl Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are going to be purchasing a Fjord filly soon and we are wondering if you
have to be careful with them over eating on grass. Do Fjords founder out on
pasture? I have seen many that I felt were carrying too much fat... is that had
to control?  I just lost a Quarter horse mare that I dearly loved because she
had carried too much weight over the last few years and had trouble with
absesses and eventually foundered because of it.  Is there any prescribed
agenda to follow with Fjords to avoid this? Cheryl

Jean Ernest wrote:

> This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ingrid,
> I stick with grass hay.  Don't give a lot of extra alfalfa, It would wind
> up being too much protein I think.  I will give half again as much in the
> winter as I do in the summer and will probably wind up giving Double the
> amount of hay when it is REALLY cold , like -40 and below.  Just about free
> choice when it is -50.
> I checked their condition last night to see that they have gained a bit of
> weight during the last couple weeks (can hardly feel those last ribs) so
> since the weather has moderated (to Zero and +5 today) I will cut back
> their hay and cut back on the grain a bit also.  Old Bjarne (24 this year)
> was feeling a bit boney along his back bone before , but now is getting his
> padding back.  I am giving them all some oats (1/2 to 3/4 lb) with 1/2
> pound of Calf Manna and Sho Glo vitamins  each day.  I had also added about
> 1/2 lb sweet feed mix in the cold weather, but am going to cut that now the
> weather has warmed up to keep them from getting fatter.  I mainly adjust
> the hay in the cold weather. It is safe to increase grass hay but I think
> you have to be more cautious about alfalfa and grain!
> I personally think the winter weather in and around Cleveland and Northern
> Ohio, with the nasty cold damp winds off the lake,is harder to take than
> our Fairbanks weather!  (I grew up in that area!) However our winters here
> are so much least a month added on each end!
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, ZERO degrees (F) this morning, going to be ABOVE
> zero today, and FIVE more minutes of daylight added today!(Watch out, Lower
> 48, we're sending the cold down to you again!)
> >
> >Hello all...couple of quick questions...approx. how much "extra hay" is
> >being fed to those horses needing to stay warm in the colder climates?
> >Do you stick with plain grass hay, or go with a mix of alfalfa? Ingrid
> >
> >
> >
> ******************************************************************
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska

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