This message is from: "Betsy Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List -  I have heard that this merger may take place and I guess it
is going to.  However, I haven't received a letter or the Hearld - am I
signed up appropriately?

I'm sure my father would have enough to say that would cover this entire
list (not necessarily all bad) but what is important is that we can work
together offering what works for the fjords in America. Nice work BOD &

It's really cold here in Central CA, not as bad as Chicago but I have to
remember I moved to CA for sun and warm weather - oh well.  Ole and I had a
great ride up the dry river bed this week and he thought he was back in
Illinois - instead of the usual training in the ring with my daughter, and
Hakar {boring.

Happy New Year everyone -
Here's hoping your HAPPY NEW YEAR has a Fjord in it!
   Betsy Bauer

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