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Heh Jean!

I had to laugh at your comment on the frozen manure piles!  Yesterday, we
tried a new tactic.  Instead of chipping away with our shovels and filling the
manure buckets 1/2 up with snow, Doug got the tractor out with the bucket on
the front.  It took 2 scrapes and scoops with the bucket and a little help
with the loose ones and we'd cleaned one paddock.  That was the easy one
because my neat little mares are in that one and they only poop in one corner!
The Fjord/Arab paddock (geldings) were another story.  Poop everywhere!
Still, the tractor helped immensely, lightening our work load, primarily
loosening the piles which get so frustrating to unearth!  What "fun" we have
to own our horses!!

Susan in sub-zero MN.  

P.S.  Thank-you for making me feel more confident in leaving my Fjord out all
night in sub-zero climates.  I was tired of cleaning his awful stall and
needed an excuse anyway!  I figured if your Fjords could take it, so could
mine!  He thrives in it and I've never seen him shiver yet.  It was -48
windchill a couple days ago.

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