This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello list,

Happy new year to everyone.

While we are thinking about what's to be done during the coming year,
the subject of those pesky annual booster shots comes to mind.  We do
ours in January or February.

This question is for Dr. Jacobson - what is your opinion on using a
"combination" or "all-in-one" vaccine as opposed to using several
separate vaccines?  We have usually used a combination tet/flu vaccine
and a separate rhino vaccine, which requires two injection sites.  I
really dislike sticking them twice.  One time they seem to be
forgiving about, but do it twice?  No way, lady!!  Solvway Equine
Vaccines has come out with a new Triple E-FT+EHV vaccine (9-way
vaccine, if you will).  It has everything in it tet/flu/rhino/EWV. 
Are these vaccines as effective as the separate ones, or are we just
wasting our money and kidding ourselves that our horses are protected?
 Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.  Yes, I do vaccinate my
own horses, in the rump only.  I leave chest and neck injections to my
vet.  We have annual health checks, tooth work, etc., done by our
equine veterinarian.  We never presume to diagnose illnesses ourselves
either - we only relay symptoms and vital signs and let him decide
whether he needs to come out or not.  He has been very good in
teaching us to give injections properly - depending on what's being
given.  Long-term penicillin therapy is something I have done myself,
under his supervision.  So far I have been lucky and have never drawn
back blood in the syringe - don't know if I would have the courage to
try it again if I ever did!!  I've only seen one penicillin reaction,
and it was enough!  Fortunately, the horse survived and is still going
strong (yes, it was a Fjord).  The vet was standing right next to the
horse, administered treatment immediately, and the horse got back to
her feet in a few minutes.  Whew!!

Thanks in advance for your input to the list.  It's great to get
advice from a veterinarian who also raises Fjords and is very familiar
with their peculiarities.
Our vet calls them "peculiar beasties" but loves their calmness and
general hardiness.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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