This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My husband and I will be in Bergen on business from May 5 to May 11 and
have to go up to Alesund to visit customers sometime during that period -
probably will be May 6 or 7.  So given that the shows are about halfway
between Bergen and Alesund, we should make an opportunity to do that if the
timing is right and other stuff doesn't interfere..meaning business.  It
would be wonderful to meet some of the fjord listers at that time - so if
you plan to set up a rendezvous, please let me know.  But, be warned, I'll
still have plenty of stupid questions by then, I'm sure.

On another note, can anyone make recommendations for a fjord trainer in the
western Washington area?  I intend to send the yearling to school with a
pro so that's he not a complete victim of my ineptness.  Thanks, Teressa

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