This message is from: "Werner, Kristine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Carole - I for one at least like your "postings".There is nothing
wrong IMHO at least, with a little
critical thought and provokation. I don`t know why people are so
sensitive generally.

I`m wondering of that Viagra business in Europe was not a hoax of some
sort. The States came out
with the drug and the States is the forerunner where research and
development are concerned.
I can hardly believe that is true. 

Be that as is may - it seems clear that if a stallion cannot reproduce,
then he should be gelded.
Nature knows best - this is a cliche because it is true. There are so
many stallions out there - why
insist on what is obviously not meant to be ?

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Montag, 7. Dezember 1998 14:16
> Subject:      Re: "Carol's little provocations"
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)
> Good Morning from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia
> where
> today we woke up to that really warm weather everybody else has had.  
> To Cynthia,  Yes, my posting about Approval of Viagra for European
> stallions was meant to be provocative.  The idea was to provoke a
> discussion regarding the use of artiificial means (drugs, hormones) to
> breed Fjords. The Fjord is a naturual breed, and naturally very strong
> reproductively.  More so than most.  This is a result of the European
> Keuring system which stresses reproductive strength.  Over the 18
> years
> we've been breeding and importing Fjords, I've come to believe that
> the
> closer I stay to nature, the better the horses are.  My "provocative
> posting" was meant to promote a discussion along these lines.  
> Regards,  Carol  
> Carol and Arthur Rivoire
> Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
> R.R. 7 Pomquet
> Antigonish County
> Nova Scotia
> B2G 2L4
> 902 386 2304

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