This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to get back to the original point of my reply to your
comments about needing to form a breeders association. I would like to
re-emphsize my three main points:
1) As far I can see from an end-user perspective is the NFHR now
primarily serve breeders offering very little in the way of
support and programs for us "for fun" folks. It is now time for the
association to move in that direction.
2) Breeders have not strongly supported that direction, being
more interested in issues involving breeding. It is has been my
experience that as the growth of Fjords in the hands of "for fun"
people explodes, the breeders have not fully adapted to their own growth
industry. I have witnessed this explosion just by attending Blue Earth
for the last four years. In the first two years, the show was
dominated by breeders - in the last two years there has been a very
significant increase in the attendance and participation of "for fun"
3) I think the Fjords are unique in that people who own them become so
passionate about them and their future as a special and unusual
animal. I think this interest is higher than in many other breeds.
Look to our example of Mike May, a man who has worked very hard for
the breed and only owns one Fjord. I don't think he is an unusual
Fjord "for fun" person.

Enough said by me, at least, on this topic.

Cynthia Madden         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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