This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

Sorry to hear so much wrangling without the facts!  Ie, does anyone know
that Norway is clever enough to have videos of their stallions or any other
country would also have videos of their best horses?????  Of course.  Can
some one of you who are infinitely better than I on this computer simply
email Norway sources, Holland, Germany and ask for their videos on such and
such a stallion??????????   Jean Gayle

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Carol Roviore wrote:
>>THE RESPONSE FROM NFHR:  It's too expensive!  It will cost $23,000 
>>for the video, and .20 a word for the book.
>>MY RESPONSE TO THE NFHR:  Lack of vision --- Negative thinking---
>>Resistence to forward action ---  Losing sight of the #1 Priority, 
>>which is-   What's best for the breed?
>       It should be noted that the comment on the per word cost of 
>translation you referred to did not come from the NHFR. It came from 
>a member (Bill Coli) with first hand experience, and was offerred as 
>a way to inform further discussion.
>       Also, if you looked CAREFULLY at the message I sent, you would have 
>noticed that I went on the add that "having this and other reference 
>info. translated into is a great idea". As a consequence, I object to 
>your characterization of my noting that one can't just go out and 
>translate a (presumably) copyrighted book AND translate it for your 
>assumed cost of $200-$300 as "lack of vision" "negative thinking" 
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

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