This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve & I have frequently been the only people in our barns that wear
helmets. The major other exception at our current place is a radiologist
who always wears hers!

Three years ago I was riding Tank bareback in an arena. I forgot to put on
my helmet but Steve reminded me of it and got it for me. (This was shortly
after Christopher Reeves accident - even though not helmet related, a good
reminder of what can happen) Several minutes later something spooked Tank
and I slammed dunk off of him.

I remember feeling the cushioning in my helmet contract when I landed. I
thought - I sure am glad I have my helmet on! When I could sit up, I
thought maybe I had also broken my collar bone. An ambulance was called and
at the hospital, I found out that I indeed had a broken collar bone as well
as two broken ribs. But what I really remember is of how relieved I was
that I was wearing that helmet. In one week I was back at work. In three
weeks, I could at least drive my horse again. Some of you may remember
seeing me in my collar at Blue Earth.

The emergency room people told me that of the horse related accicdents they
saw - at least two or three a day in summer time - most were  head related

If an adult conciously chooses not to wear a helmet, that's their lookout.
But what I have a real problem with are those irresponsible adults who
don't make children wear helmets. It should not be a choice for children -
ever! It is never a choice for anyone who wants to ride or drive our horses
- no matter how experienced - or the occassional kid that I instruct. When
my granddaughters first came around the horses, I even made them wear the
helmets all the time until they learned a little respect for horses on the
ground. I know this is highly opinionated stuff, but you can go to work
with broken ribs and you may be off work a long time with a broken head! -
and children just don't know any better.

BTW, Troxel replaced the lining - actually sent me an entirely new helmet
at no cost! They are worth every cent of your investment! I also never ride
bareback anymore! I am just too old and breakable.

Cynthia Madden, Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha

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