This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

I am looking for a sweet horse if you want to find a good home for him.  Jean :)

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 11/16/98 15:04:29 Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
><<  He's a sweet horse and I have nothing against him, I just don't
> have a "connection" with him.  Has anyone else ever had that problem or is
> it just me? >>
>It's not just you.  Just as certain people seem to click, and others can
>grate, it's the same with horse relationships.   Luckily, my own personal
>horses and I have always been on the same wavelength, but with some it takes
>longer than others.  I know Juniper and I did not have an instant rapport, but
>it developed as we went through some rough times and some good times together.
>Sometimes also you need to just relax and do nothing with your horse.  Take a
>long walk together, or sit with him while he grazes, scratch his neck
>occasionally, asking nothing of him.  Sounds silly, I know, but it IS a good
>way to develop a bond.  Just being together.  No expectations.    Give
>yourself and your horse some more time and maybe it will happen for you.
>Hoping this makes sense to you
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

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