This message is from: "Jackie Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm back home now.  I've been quite busy these last two weeks.  I've been
away in Queensland and just got home yesterday.  I was
competing at the Australian Dressage Championships for Disabled Riders.  I
did really well there and got 6 ribbons and 5 trophies!!  They came in this
way:  Third ribbon in one test; equal first in another test (ribbon and
trophy); first in the final individual test (ribbon and trophy); first in
my disability grade (ribbon and trophy); equal first in overall
championship (ribbon and perpetual trophy for 6 months); and a member of
the overall winning team (Australia) in the international teams competition
(ribbon and frameable picture).  And I am still in the National Training
Squad for the 2000 Paralympics so I had a very successful time indeed.  

Jackie Kennedy

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