This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe we ought to wait and see just how this movie portrays the Fjords?
Anita, can you give us an idea of how they were used, etc.?  Even better,
how about telling the list about some of your experiences while filming!  I
seem to remember you telling me about some exciting adventures.

Winter has arrived here with the first snow fall a week ago and my Fjords
immediately turned into a pack of beavers.  I looked out the day after the
first 1/2 " of snow fell to see three of the four Fjords lined up chewing
on the fence.  It was like a contest to see who could demolish it first!
They had not touched the rails all summer, so why does the snow bring about
this behavior?  Anyway, I went out and cut a bunch of Aspen saplings and
threw them into the corrals and they are happily reducing these to sticks
and stubs.

 The farrier comes today to put the winter shoes with Borium and rim snow
pads on Bjorken and Bjarne so I can get back to riding with safer footing.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, light snow and 32 degrees today, down to 9 hours
of daylight! The roads are slippery and everbody has forgotten how to drive
in this stuff!

At 08:31 AM 10/21/98 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I had an idea that with some quick thinking and work could be useful. The
>new Antonio Banderas movie "The 13th Warrior" is coming out soon. Could we
>think up some way to use the movie to promote Fjords locally? Perhaps
>someone (Unrau's?) who worked with the production company could find 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

  • Promotion idea Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
    • Re: Promotion idea, and Beavers in the b... Jean Ernest

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