This message is from: john bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark and Ann Restad wrote:
> This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> thanks for the harness info.  i have a smuckers brochure somewhere.
> What style of collar did you go with?  Thanks
> Ann


        I wound up with an all leather 22 in collar.  I don't know if it has a
particular name, but it comes apart at the top for tacking up and can be
adjusted slightly using the latch that fastens it.  My trainer prefers
the cloth backed collars because they are a little softer and do not
need to fit the individual horse so closely - take less time for the
horse to fit himself into.  The one I use is just an ordinary draft
collar like the local Amish are using.  I got the harness with the brass
fitting because they looked so good on Kilar compared to the chrome.

Hope this is helpful.  I am new to driving actually, so my nomenclature
is limited.


  • To Martie Mark and Ann Restad
    • Re: To Martie john bolinski

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