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To: Julie Will

I would be glad to write an article or two for the NFHR.  I had spoken with
someone a few years ago (don't even remember who now but a BOD member) and
was told that they already had that taken care of.  But I think that the
Small Farmers Journal already has plenty of visibility as far as Fjords are
concerned -- they have frequent articles, photos, and innumerable ads for
the breed.  I think Equus and Practical Horseman are the kinds of magazines
that we could benefit from exposure in -- and it's not as easy to get
articles in those.  I would be glad to try, if I could get cooperation on
getting photos,

To:  The Larsons/Mike May

No, I am not under the impression that evaluations must be held in an indoor
arena, nor that Fjord owners not in the Northwest all have inadequate
facilities.  But I do think that holding evaluations on the owner's property
brings up a lot of complications, which I was trying to discuss, and of
which I think footing adequacy is an important one.  The Oregon evaluation
was sponsored by an individual -- Gayle Ware -- and not by any group, and
very few members of the groups out here supported the evaluation by their
attendance.  Anyone anywhere else is free to set up an Evaluation just as
Gayle did, the issue is only of whose property it is on.  As it stands now,
I believe if it is on a Fjord owners property, then they cannot have their
own horses evaluated -- and my comments were directed at the idea of
changing that to allow their own horses to be evaluated.  I don't really
care about the home court advantage for their horses, but I don't want to be
at a disadvantage because the facility is not adequate.  That was my only point.

PS  Washracks are nice, but not a necessity.   Footing is a necessity,
whether indoors or out.   I see no reason why evaluation facilities should
be less nice than facilities where a horse show could be held, and to me it
would be well worth the $20 per horse to ensure that they are.

Becky Vorpagel
Jont Creek Acres

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