This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear List, 
Hi Anita, I agree whole heartedly with your comments on "pecking order"(Just
watch Momma Fjord teach baby to stay away from the electric fence, or lead
mare tell others to get out of her space when she is eating till invited in to
join her.) Be your horses lead mare, I know all 5ft 1 of me is exactly that.
Josie, start with feeding time as well, bring a crop.  keep space between you
and the food bowl till you invite the horse in .  When inviting in turn your
body to the side so you do not look confrontational but welcoming.  Your Body
language is something they understand. 
 Nancy, thanks for letting me know that the discussion on farm hosting is on
agenda.  I did assume that an evaluation would be open to all horses wishing
to participate and you are right, enormous amount of time to hold and plan an
evaluation, How many depends on local  volunteers everyone, as opposed to the
registry or BOD.    
Marge and Bill,  Asta's name sounds perfect. Take Care Laura of Mink Hollow 

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