This message is from: Anita Unrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is some suggestions for keeping your Fjord out of your space.  When
you said you would push with your elbow or arm and it didn't work well
that is because a horse's natural inclination is to push back.  Same as
when you are trimming his feet.  If you let him lean on you and try and
hold him up he will push more.  Take a whip/crop with you whenever you
lead him and use the butt end of the whip to let him know he is in your
space.  He has to learn to respect your space all the time not just
leading.  Horses relate to each other with a pecking order.  They do not
invade the space of the boss horse or the horses above them  unless
invited to do so.  You have to establish that you are higher then him in
the pecking order and then he will keep out of your space until you
invite him in.  Once you establish this ground rule everything else in
the training will come easier.  You don't have to be cruel about it but
forceful.  Watch how they disciple each other and you will realize you
can not hit as hard as a bite or kick from one of your geldings
playmates.  Don't tap and pick at him or he will tune you out. One good
smack at the right time can work wonders.  They do have thicker skin
then other horses.
With regard to taking a 10 year old and doing round pen work with him.
It is never to late to continue the education of yourself and your
horse.  We go back to basics with our horses when ever they need a
reminder or refresher course.
Fjords do not do real well with lots of round pen or lunging work. They
prefer a variety of things.  If you do use the round pen/lunging
training make sure you are using it to educate the horse and not do just
let him run off steam.  Anytime you put a halter or bridle on your Fjord
he should be made to behave.  If he doesn't know how  then he will have
to be taught what is acceptable behaviour for both of you.
Now that the Combined driving season is over with out west we will be
staying home and catching up on things.  I finally had time to check out
the NFHR home page and was surprised to see a picture of Orville discing
with four of our Fjords.  The middle two are George and Harvey, our
first pair of Fjords.  George we bought in March l973 for $57.50 at an
auction sale off of a meat buyer.  He had bought him for $52.50.
Orville had to give $5.00 for his ticket.  George is now 28 years young
and him and Harvey are both at Langley, BC's Therapeutic riding centre.
Harvey is 29 years young.
One of the interesting things about George is he has a dew claw on the
inside of his front leg.  Has anyone else ever noticed this phenomenon
on their Fjords?
Found it interesting about the National Geographics and Fjords horses.
We were thinking of getting the entire collection of CD Rom for
Christmas.  Is the Fjord included in it as well? Has anyone bought the
CD Roms yet?
Anita at Anvil's Acres

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