This message is from: Evers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:55 PM 10/6/98 -0600, you wrote:
>  On evaluations I had inquired recently to see if any
>evaluations were planned for the East Coast and was told not at the moment.
>I then offered to host one if location was an issue and was informed they do
>not allow breeders to host an evaluation.  Seems a little silly to me,
what do
>you think?  It would save money if location was donated and I do not think
>they're would be any "home team advantage" because the grounds would have all

I believe the answer is " you can host an evaluation, but not on your
property.  Talk to Gayle Ware. She hosted one in OR. this year & it was a
good one 
Maybe Mike can answer this. I would like to see one every other month, East
 & West , North & South .Then All can get to one of them.
 All the good idea are on paper how can we help put them in a required
reading for all members. I would like some decales & or bumper stickers
with a logo & A picture of the Fjord .We need to let everyone see what they
are as many people tell us :" you have the Islandic horses in your pasture." 
 We are going to make a farm sign  & big enough to let them know  We Have
Bud & Tillie Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords

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