This message is from: "Theresa A DeFoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a suggestion in response to Carol's e-mail yesterday,

MORE IMPORTANT.  Though, perhaps not totally "carved in stone,"  They are
the basis for a breeder's decisions . . . to geld or not to geld . . . to
breed or not."  

I agree with Carol that the evaluation results are very important to the
breed.  I think that our evaluators are very good.  My suggestion would be
that they have their own separate score cards and we average them out. 
Ideally it would be nice to add a third judge and do it this way.  

This method is very popular with the state 4-H horse shows and also with
some of the larger Morgan breed shows like the regional and national
championships.  I'm sure it is used in a lot of other breeds as well.  
If we use this method we are relying on the average of three educated
person's unbiased decisions which I think will make the breed even better!

Theresa DeFoe

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