This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joel a harman)

Who is going to say what registries are "approved"? I am unfortunate to
have horses registered everywhere because of the pissing matches & un
professionalism of those "in power" on the various boards of their pet
fjord registries. "For the good of the breed" - bull____! For the
stroking of the ego! It is enough to make me sell all my  fjord horses (
since NO self-respecting man has "ponies"). 

To those of you that have heard about this before - I apologize. I
purchased an unregistered stud colt in '88. I went to register him -
doesn't matter where( if you are so inclined contact me privately & I'll
tell you). Oh he needs to be bloodtyped. Wonderful! $500 & 3yr later I
still don't know his dam. When I finally get a match I send in money for
him & 3 other horses for registry. In the meantime I don't advertise
horses for sale because I don't want to pass problems on. Then I get a
song & dance that horse won't be registered because the registrar says it
doesn't matter if bloodtyping is correct I - at my expense - have to
track down horses in Sweden & Norway to get samples from them. I had
already tried that with no success. Of course the BOD says you match the
dam & that horse will be registered. Of course the BOD members I
contacted knew nothing about it. 

As an aside this stallion placed 4th in the stallion class in Libby in 88
as a 14 mo old. That was before classes were broken down further by age.
Jon Hegdal & Dave Klove (sp?) were judges that year.

The only reason I can see for worrying about registering a gelding is to
know bloodlines. If we are so concerned about pure fjords why are fjords
with spots registered? I have been told that spots denote out breeding at
some point in time. Please correct me if I am incorrect in this

Who is to say what is appropriate handling? Maybe some horses (ponies?)
need a FIRM hand. 

Maybe we could abolish ALL registries & start over with only ONE
registry. Oh I guess EGOS won't allow that.

In closing I would like to thank Carol for bringing something relevant to
discuss instead of how someone taught Fifi to sit stay & rollover. 

Joel Harman 

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