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 What do you consider a typical flake of hay?  3" - 4" - 6"  and with no grass
to eat how much should a portly l200 lb Fjord gelding be eating.  I am trying
to get some weight off and he is loosing the "stuffed" look but I am thinking
it will be several months before I see a major weight reduction?  Also, should
he be fed two or three times a day - HE JUST LOVES TO EAT and I wonder if
going all day with nothing to chew on would be frustrating for him - to add
further insult he has to watch my QH munch on his hay very slowly - I am
always trying to put weight on him.  Great pair - huh??  I am new to self
caring for my horses having been at boarding facilities for the past 5 years
(my Fjord is a new purchase).  Weight seems to be a big issue with Fjords so
it is important to have good information to keep them fit and healthy.   Thank
you for you wonderful help and comments on so many subjects!!!  Linda Lottie
from Minnesota

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