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I had a problem with AOL last week and was unable to get to Betsy's webpage,
Fjordpony.  The problem is fixed and I just had a blast looking at the
website.  Great job Betsy.  And you are so right, when they step on your toe,
they DO feel like a horse instead of a pony.... Or maybe a herd of horses.
Nikki stepped on my toe over a month ago, and just now it is starting to NOT
be throbbing, and it looks more like a toe than a tennis paddle.  Ah well, I
love her anyway.

I've got a couple of questions about Fjord babies.  I've had Arab babies, and
babies of other breeds.  But this is the first Fjord baby that I'll be
bringing up.  First question, I really thought at first that Skylark was a
brown dun.  She was born that beautiful creamy color, with an apricot mane,
and a little black stripe in her tail.  However, her face is starting to shed
out her baby coat (at less than a month old).  I swear her undercoat looks
grey.  I don't THINK there are any grey duns in her lineage (Mike, that would
be Capstone's Prinz x Nikki  if you're interested in checking it out).  What
are the odds?

The second question is really a lot more important than the color question,
which is just intriguing to me.  This one concerns feeding.  With the quarter
horse and arab babies, we'd give the mom plenty of grain and creep feed the
baby.  Nikki gets just a bit of grain (mostly oats, with maybe 2 handfuls of
cob) along with her vitamins and Strongid C.  I want the baby to grow strong
and healthy, but am unsure how much grain she should get, and when to start.
Also I need to know if I should be concerned with bone growth problems, the
way you need to worry about OCD and big knees.  I tend to think not, since the
fjords aren't on a high protein/alfalfa diet, but would love to hear your foal
feeding programs.

Any help you may be able to give Skylark and me in this area would be greatly
appreciated, especially by Skylark!


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