This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good questions!  And something that we are trying to address in our "almost
finished" standard for the NFHR.  To quote...

"Historically, Fjords have appeared in different shapes, models or body
types, according to the different needs of the times.  From this wide
genetic pool comes the versatile Fjord of today, which is not a specialized
breed, but a breed with horses of different types and sizes which can be
used for a wide variety of activities.  Horses that meet the set conditions
and demands of quality are equally acceptable, although they can be of
different sizes and body types.  Conformation should be harmoniously
balanced and must always be complemented by substance of body and ample bone."

As soon as the Standard is a "done deal"  I will post it in full on this
mailing list.

Julie @ Old Hickory Farm

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