This message is from: Mike & Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was just curious about the frequency with which your Fjord's hooves
are trimmed or shod.  Are they shod?  

The reason I wonder is because Tyr has had his feet trimmed once in 3
years.  And that was around Feb or March of this year.  I was thinking
about it as I paid $60 for my QH to have shoes all around this time and
wondering if it was a Fjord trait, or . . what exactly.

So, share, will you?  Your Fjord's feet, how often they're trimmed, if
they're shod and if so, why.  Just sheer curiosity on my part!

And, where is Blue Earth, and what is it all about?  Some people
(forgive me, I haven't gotten all the names sorted out) in Omaha, I
believe, said it took 5-5.5 hours to get to Blue Earth.  Another
"curious Casey" set of questions.

Thanks - Casey Rogillio

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